
About 咪咪影院

Since 1998, 咪咪影院 has been the news magazine devoted specifically to educational facility construction and operations. Readers include several segments of the 鈥渂uilding team鈥 including school administrators, facility managers, school board members as well as architects, contractors and suppliers in the field. Special attention is paid to the maintenance/operations and design/construction segments.

Torrey Sims – President & CEO
Louise Wainscott – Chief Operating Officer
Ed Langton – Group Publisher
Dave Schulte – Associate Publisher
Zach Chouteau – Managing Editor
Gaby Neal – Art Director

WMH Corporate Headquarters

337 S Cedros Ave, Unit A
Solana Beach, CA 92075

Email Contacts:

Circulation: Louise@wmhmedia.com
Editorial: Zach@wmhmedia.com
Publisher: Ed@wmhmedia.com
Associate Publisher: Dave@wmhmedia.com
Webmaster: Gaby@wmhmedia.com